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Taurus 627 Tracker 7-Shot Stainless 4" Ported Barrel .357MAG
Taurus 627 Tracker 7-Shot Stainless 4" Ported Barrel .357MAG 2-627049
Taurus 627 Tracker 7-Shot Stainless 4" Ported Barrel .357MAG (2-627049)
Taurus 627 Tracker 7-Shot Stainless 4" Ported Barrel .357MAG (2-627049)
Retail $590.00
Our Price: $485.00
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Availability: Currently Out of Stock
Product Code: 2-627049

Description Additional Information
Low prices on the Taurus 627 Tracker 4" Ported Barrel Stainless 7- Shot .357 MAGNUM start at Champion Firearms-

The Affordable Magnum Revolver. Founded in 1939 as a tool and die manufacturer,
"Forjas Taurus" (or Forged Bull, from the Greek myth in which Zeus transformed himself into a white bull) is an international conglomerate based in Brazil with divisions focusing on firearms, metals manufacturing, plastics, body armor, helmets and civil construction. Taurus produced its first revolver in 1941 and began to export firearms to the United States in 1968.

The company's various models share strong similarities with the proven designs of manufacturing powerhouses such as Smith & Wesson and Beretta, which is no coincidence. In fact, all three firms share a common past. In 1971, the parent company for Smith & Wesson purchased a controlling interest in Taurus and this allowed the two companies to easily share information regarding manufacture and design.

Even though Taurus was sold to its current owners in 1977, the die was already cast and the designs have remained extremely similar every since. Then in 1980, after completing contracts to produce firearms for Brazil's military forces, Taurus purchased Beretta's Sao Paulo manufacturing plant along with the tooling, technical drawings and workforce necessary to produce several semi-automatic pistol designs.

The Taurus Model 627 Tracker is a medium frame revolver chambered for the potent .357 Magnum cartridge. But, even so, the gun is equally at home firing reduced power .44 Special ammunition on the firing range, or for self- defense. It is constructed of a forged satin stainless steel that is highly corrosion resistant and has a very pleasing overall appearance. The five shot fluted cylinder is rated for full power magnum loads and the 4- inch barrel features an full underlug that protects the ejector rod from being bent if the underside of the barrel were to violently strike against something, or even getting dropped.

A word of caution, the barrel is ported to reduce recoil, but also increases muzzle report. Needless the say, the .
357 Magnum cartridge is extremely loud even unported, and the shooters should always wear proper safety equipment when firing. The gun is beefy and weighs in at 34- ounces. While it may not be the ideal concealed carry handgun, when loaded with .38 Special, the Taurus M627 is more than capable from a nightstand, center console, desk drawer or even strapped to your hip while out hunting.

The rubber grip accommodates all three of the shooter�s gripping fingers for a firm and secure hold, and also helps to absorb recoil.
A transfer bar safety is mounted on the frame. If you're unfamiliar with the function of a transfer bar, it prevents the hammer from striking the firing pin unless the trigger is pulled fully to the rear. The invention of the transfer bar allows the revolver to be carried with a full five rounds in the cylinder without the chance of the hammer being snagged and / or being dropped, then inadvertently discharged.

The Taurus 627 Tracker is a traditional double action design. Shots can be fired in either a double action mode, or for greater precision, the hammer can be easily cocked back and fired using a crisp single action trigger pull. The hammer is checkered on the top side, making cocking sure and foolproof. The double action mode is long, but the trigger remains smooth throughout. When cocking the hammer for single action, the trigger pull is almost imperceptible. For target acquisition, the revolver has a low profile u- notch set of fixed sights that track well enough for their intended purpose, which is close range, off hand shots.

Some ask the question, "why own a revolver?" The answer is simple, revolvers provide solutions no other type of gun can offer. They are simplistic and unlike semi- automatics, don't jam- up, stovepipe, fail to feed or extract. They are not only more reliable mechanically, but also more forgiving with operator error, and are much easier to operate under stress. With revolvers, there�s no chance of limp-wristing or creating a stoppage. There's no magazine to accidentally eject and no foreign objects to impair the action.

Loading and unloading are much more user friendly, and accomplished by using gravity to drop rounds or shells directly into the 5- shot cylinder, versus a wrestling match trying to cram rounds into a magazine under spring tension. In addition, revolvers aren't picky about the types of ammo they fire. When encountering misfires, rather than highly skilled clearance drills required to get a semi- auto back on line, revolvers only require that an operator squeeze the trigger again. Yes, basic gun handling skills prevent some of the operator-induced mistakes that cripple semi-auto's, but these type of errors are practically non- existent on a revolver.

The Taurus Security System allows the gun to be rendered inoperable by turning an inconspicuous key-lock device with a special tool provided. For service and repairs, the gun is backed by a manufacturer's lifetime warranty. Overall, the Taurus Model 627 Tracker receives high marks for quality, construction and handling characteristics, while remaining very affordable, reliable and a capable all purpose .627 Magnum revolver.
Medium Size "L-Frame" Revolver
Traditional Double Action
Transfer Bar Safety
Internal Key Lock Safety- located discreetly on the back of the hammer, completely deactivates revolver
Caliber: .357 Magnum
Cylinder Capacity: 7- Round
Frame & Cylinder: Forged Stainless Steel
Barrel Length: 4" Ported
Sights: Adjustable
Weight: 34 oz.
Grips: Rubber Monogrip w/ Finger Grooves
Warranty: Lifetime

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